Axolotlsare walking Mexican fish they are
amphibians who spend their whole lives underwater.
Axolotls come in various colours including grey shades of brown, leucistic ,( white with black eyes) and golden albino .Axolotls can grow up to 30cm in length they can also weigh up to 60-227 grams. Axolotls stay in larvae form its entire life. The colour of an axolotl depends on its cells.
Axolotls originate from mexico city and also Australia. Axolotls live underwater but they are not fish.
Axolotls have the ability to regenerate themselves such as body parts that have fallen off. Axolotls lay their eggs in the water.
Axolotls eat worms,insects,mollusks,larvae crustsaceans, and some fish. The axolotl is a carnivore and also sometimes a cannibal. Axolotls will eat about anything you give them.
The most common animal predators of the axolotl are birds, including storks and herons ,also tilapia and carp fish feed on the axolotl.
Axolotls is an endangered spieces in new mexico and also Australia .